Scam Prevention
1. Avoid clicking on untrusted links
Clicking on certain links may result in the compromise of your personal information or unauthorised access to your accounts. It is important to exercise caution whilst browsing the internet, as malicious websites and phishing scams can appear legitimate. If you suspect you have been a victim of fraud, please visit this page for further assistance.
2. Avoid executing unfamiliar code or commands on your browser
There are instances where you may receive message(s) suggesting entering certain codes or copying and pasting specific information into your browser will yield special offers or free items. However, it's essential to recognise that these claims are often fraudulent and can lead to serious consequences. Scammers use these tactics to trick users into unknowingly downloading malicious software, entering personal information, or compromising their online security.
3. Exercise caution when approached for favours
It's important to be wary of scams that request you to retrieve a specific file from your browser. Such requests are often fraudulent and can lead to unauthorised access to your personal information or online accounts. To avoid falling for such schemes, exercise caution when receiving unsolicited requests, particularly from unknown or untrusted sources or people.
If you have any questions, feel free to email me at: contact@spencerledger.com.
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